[Dj QBert on R2 RADIO]
Tonight on R2 Radio we will be interviewing one of the best turntablist in the world, @djqbert! While in Japan for the RedBull Thre3syle world championship we got a chance to catch up with him and discuss his views on turntablism, Exclusive stories, New Album and many more! This is great interview so be sure to tune in tonight at 12 to R2 RADIO on Interfm89.7Mhz
[今夜のR2Radio SPゲスト:DJ Qbert]
今夜のR2Radioは”Out Of The Studio Ep2”スタジオを抜け出してHOTなアーティストを独占インタビュー!!今夜はスクラッチの天才”Dj Qbert”のインタビューをRedBullStudioからお届け!
[R2Radio 毎週月曜日 深夜0時オンエア InterFM89.7Mhz]
Email: R2RADIO@interfm.jp