卒業後、アメリカ、ロサンゼルスにて3年間音楽留学し、現地LAの国際的音楽家やプロデューサーらと音楽の仕事を経験。帰国後、沖縄に移住し、日本TOP3のリゾートチャペルにてWedding Singer,を務め、Jazz, Lounge, Gospel, R&B, HIPHOP, Acousticなど様々なジャンルのイベントで活躍。
2012年に若手USプロデューサーRORO(www.roromusic.com)と共にR2 Recordsを設立。ROROと共に海外アーティストのフランキー・ジェイ、ソルジャーボーイ、DJUNK、チンギーなどの大物ゲストのオープニングも務める。ソロではDj KaoriやAIらが参加したFOX主催野外イベント“Summer Backstage Pass” in Okinawaに出演。Fox Japanにて放送される。
2013年ROROと共に拠点を福岡に移し、制作をメインに活動を開始。、ソングライティングや、楽曲提供、英語曲と日本語曲の歌詞書き換え、ラジオDJを行う。同年10月には世界のJazzトランペッター日野皓正&dj honda&日野JINO賢二プロジェクト”h-factor”の九州ツアーにも参加。RISAの出身地である長崎県佐世保市で開催されたRISA凱旋ライブにて”h-factor”をゲストに迎え伝説のアーティストらと共演を果たす。
2014年ROROの最新アルバム”ROAD TO SUCCESS”にシンガーソングライターとして参加。その後、福岡LOVEFM76.1Mhz(http://lovefm.co.jp/disc_jockeys/more/127)にて毎週金曜日7時から“RORO RADIO”のバイリンガルCo-hostとしてROROと「HIPHOPカルチャーをレクチャーする音楽番組」を制作。九州では唯一のリアルHIPHOP番組として評判を得る。
(https://www.interfm.co.jp/r2)「Hiphopカルチャーやトレンド、最新USリリース情報をいち早く配信、来日アーティストをインタビュー」している。(Shing02,dj honda, Dj Jazzy Jeff, Dj Qbert, Dj Krush, AK69..etc)また、メローな選曲をメインとするR2Radio presents “RnB Selecta by RISA”のメインホストを務め、Take6やStylisticsといった来日アーティストらをインタビュー。RISAが名曲をカバーするRisa’s Coverやアーティストや曲の背景ストーリーを語る“Story Behind the Song”のセグメントも人気である。
2016年 現在、未来のサウンドシステムと言われている5.1chサラウンドサウンドで聞く「3Dサラウンドミュージック」のアルバムを制作中である。年内リリース予定。より広がっていくRISAの視野に写される大きなビジョンはグローバルアーティストとして、これからの日本の音楽を先導する力になるだろう。
■2014年シングル “Doesn’t mean I’m lost” RORO feat RISA KUMONデジタルリリース。
■2014/8/6 RISAも多数曲参加しているRORO1st Album ”Road To Success”全国インストア&デジタルリリース。福岡天神ソラリア、西鉄街頭ビジョン、渋谷、新橋、秋葉原等街頭ビジョンにてMV公開。福岡国際ラジオ局LoveFMのHOTSPINより楽曲プレイ。
■2014年10月 福岡天神LoveFMにてHIPHOPのカルチャーや音楽をレクチャーするROROの番組“RORO RADIO”にてCo-Hostを務める。
■2014/8/6 ROROの1st Album “Road to success”(成功への道)日本とワールドワイドでリリース!リリースライブ8/31@渋谷GLADにて開催。その他、福岡、熊本、大阪、東京、沖縄などでリリースツアーを行う。Risa Kumon Feat Roro-Let em hate (prod by Roro) 2012/R2 Records
■2015年1月 東京・名古屋の国際ラジオ局InterFM897のHIPHOP/RnBを中心としたレギュラー番組”R2Radio”をROROと共にスタート!R2Radio presents “RnB Selecta by RISA”でもメインホストを務める。
■2016年 5.1chサラウンドサウンドの最新アルバムを制作開始。
■2016年9月 福岡中州JAZZ”ブルックリンパーラー”ステージに出演、九州JAZZツアー
■2016年10月 東京の老舗JAZZラウンジ”Body&Soul”にてワンマンショー
■2016年12月 「RISA Christmas Covers」EP を配信リリース
■2017年4月 福岡アジアンコレクション2017(FACo)にてゲストパフォーマーとしてヘッドライナーと務める
(Jazz/RnB/Pops/Soul/Gospel/Acoustic/Bossa Nova/Wedding etc…)
Risa Kumon (Singer/ Songwriter/ Radio Personality)
Risa Kumon is a female Japanese artiste born on September 16, in Sasebo City, Nagasaki, Japan.
Since her childhood, Risa had the passion for music. Unfortunately, Risa got sick at the age of 3 years old and lost her sight. During this time, she learned how to play the piano. Lucky enough, She got back minor sight at the age of 4. Her parents wanted her to live a normal life and therefore she was brought up like other children so she did not know about her irregularities until after graduating college. In high school, Risa specialized in music and mastered classic vocal training. After graduating from college, She relocated to Los Angeles to further her efforts to study music and English. In her academic pursuits in Los Angeles, She managed to study a variety of music genres including Acoustic, gospel, Jazz as well as classic rock from the Pasadena International Academy. She studied the English language from Poly Language Institute. From 2004 to 2006, she worked with international Japanese producer, Sunday Mitsuru at his studio in Pasadena.
Risa proceeded further with her efforts where in the year 2007, she returned to her home country and formed a group. She joined a promotion label to perform and get her music heard and she released her first independent album entitled “Love Always”. In 2008, Risa was reserved for the “Okinawa Love Fest”, a charity occasion supported by McDonalds at the Ginowan Outdoor Theater where Risa met RORO, a Producer, Radio Personality, Songwriter, and a Rapper, who was invited for the event.
Later, Risa and RORO started working together on music. Their first single was titled “International Lover”. The song won positive reviews from the public and was featured in not only exclusive Dj mix CDs,
It also featured in radio shows. That way, they managed to sell a great deal of singles independently in Japan. While she was working with RORO, Risa was able to get featured in many Japanese newspapers and magazines, and perform live on national TV for FOX Japan’s backstage pass summer beach party. She later opened up for key artists like Frankie J, New Boyz, Big Boy, HY, DJ Kaori, AK69, among others. In 2011, She was booked to perform in numerous military base festivals, Including Kadena Festival, Futema Festival and More. Risa was also nominated to perform at ANA Intercontinental-Manza, One of the top 3 chapels in Japan where she sang for wedding ceremonies and parties.
In 2012, Risa released her Jazz covered mixtape which gained a promotion to tour with the Jazz music Legend Hino Terumasa and DJ Honda on their Kyushu visit endorsing their album “Never Forget 311”. Moreover, Risa was the headlined artist to perform at the Nagasaki Theme Park, Huis Ten Bosch.
In 2014, Risa was featured on RORO’s debut album “Road to Success”. The album was distributed in major retail stores in Japan, and electronically globally. Featuring in RORO’s album made her to feature on the biggest digital billboards in Tokyo like the Shibuya crossing billboard which is the busiest pedestrian crossroad in the world. Another single by RORO, “Doesn’t mean I’m Lost” featuring Risa was appeared in Space Shower television video rotation.
At the onset of the year 2015, Her popularity was heightened further by the fact that she was a host on weekly radio shows for prominent radio houses. At first she was a co-host on RORO radio, a show that aired weekly in Fukuoka on a popular commercial radio station known as Lovefm76.1Mhz. She later became a weekly radio presenter on R2 Radio at InterFM89.7Mhz, a famous Radio station in Tokyo. With time, she was given her weekly show, RNB Selecta on Inter FM89.7 alongside R2 radio. The shows she hosted instantly gained the approval from the public and she was able to interview major artistes and DJs such as DJ Jazzy Jeff, The Pharcyde, DJ Honda, DJ Krush, Shing02, Take 6, The stylistics and others.
In 2016, Risa Kumon embarked on a Jazz solo tour where she got the opportunity to perform at one of Japan’s biggest Jazz Festivals, the Nakasu Jazz Festival. In addition to this, She released the “Christmas covers ep” in digital stores and streaming services on global platforms.
This year (2017), Risa was appointed as the special guest headliner at Fukuoka’s biggest Fashion Show, Fukuoka Asian Collection. This presentation alongside her performance was presented on RKB TV special. However, Risa was promoted to perform at the 13th annual Sasebo Seaside Festival in her hometown, Nagasaki. Later, she was invited to perform at the Nakasu Jazz Festival for the second consecutive years.
Currently, Risa is working on her second official album that is being produced by RORO and Katsuyuki Seto, pioneer and president of Studio Sapcelab, a 3D music production studio. She also performs in Japan regularly and has started a cover series where she covers English songs and translates the lyrics with her words to help the people that cant speak english understand the inspiration as well as the message relayed in the songs. Risa Kumon not only wants to challenge herself but also wants to inspire many people using her sweet voice and story to demonstrate that with hard work, love and dedication, everything is possible. She will not let misfortune or her visual disability disable her dreams.